4 Essential Oil Methods for Seasonal Support

4 Essential Oil Methods for Seasonal Support
It's spring and flowers are budding, but does the change of season got you down? Do you need relief from all this yellow stuff in the air? I got you.

In the video below, I share 4 methods of using essential oils - the famous Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint trio - for extra seasonal support. If you've tried this blend and you're not getting the results you would like, you may want to try another method, or it is possible you may not be using enough. 

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Here are a couple of capsule holders for making filling easier, plus capsules:

Have you tried the Layering Technique? If so, let me know how it works for you differently than applying a blend. If not, try it, then come back and let me know how it went!

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Want to learn more about essential oils? 
Get instant access to my FREE Essential Oils 101 Class and learn how to use them confidently in all areas of your life, just CLICK HERE.
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