DNA is known as the "building blocks of life", and controls the instruction and function of the entire body. Ancestral patterns are passed down through generations that may not be beneficial to you. DNA Reiki is a form of energy healing that works to restructure your DNA and heal negative inherited genetics. This includes health-related genetic expressions or even ancestral fears that were passed down (do you have a fear you can not explain?). DNA Reiki can clear up to 7 generations back in your family tree!
DNA Reiki requires 3 sessions to complete, ideally each 1 week apart and must be completed within 2 weeks of each other because of cellular turnover rate (you can google this if you're not familiar). DNA is a blueprint, it can shift but you have to wait for cells to die off and create new ones. For this reason, results do not happen immediately - maybe around the 3rd session but maybe not. It can sometimes take months depending on what part of your body is activating (for example, the nervous system can take months but the gut and heart are much quicker). You can have stages of changes since all body systems are entwined.
DNA Reiki (set of sessions) can only be completed once per issue, as once an intention is set, the reiki is ongoing. Reiki only works for your highest and greatest good, and will only initiate change once you are physically and emotionally ready. It is possible that a gene expression is there to teach you a lesson and can not change until you've learned from it or are emotionally ready to heal.